Immunization is done for all children from new born to 18 months and then next schedule is followed from 18 months to 15 years of age. This makes the child immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine.
Benefits of Immunization
- Protection against life threatening diseases
- Protection against viral diseases like pox, polio etc.
- Helps develop the immune system
- Helps the child grow into a healthy adult
Immunization Schedule
Vaccine | Birth | 1 mo | 2 mos | 4 mos | 6 mos | 9 mos | 12 mos | 15 mos |
Hepatitis B1 (HepB) | 1st dose | ←2nd dose→ | ←3rd dose→ | |||||
Rotavirus2 (RV) RV1 (2-dose series); RV5 (3-dose series) |
1st dose | 2nd dose | ||||||
Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis3 (DTaP: <7 yrs) | 1st dose | 2nddose | 3rd dose | ←4th dose→ | ||||
Haemophilus influenzae type b4 (Hib) | 1st dose | ←3rd or 4th dose→ | ||||||
Pneumococcal conjugate5 (PCV13) | 1st dose | 2nd dose | 3rd dose | ←4th dose→ | ||||
Inactivated poliovirus6 (IPV:<18 yrs) | 1st dose | 2nd dose | ←3rd dose→ | |||||
Influenza7 (IIV; LAIV) | Annual vaccination (IIV only) 1 or 2 doses | |||||||
Measles, mumps, rubella8 (MMR) | ←1st dose→ | |||||||
Varicella9 (VAR) | ←1st dose→ | |||||||
Hepatitis A10 (HepA) | ←2 dose series→ |
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