As per the GOI circular on price capping of Orthopaedic Knee implant by NPPA(National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority), new prices of knee implants have been implemented effective 16th August 2017. For details on knee implant pricing across our hospitals. click here

  Contact : 9517544488,0542-2310597/98/99/600


When your kidneys are healthy, they clean your blood. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and your blood healthy. When your kidneys fail, you need treatment to replace the work your kidneys used to do. Unless you have a kidney transplant, you will need a treatment called dialysis.
There are two main types of dialysis. Both types filter your blood to rid your body of harmful wastes, extra salt, and water.
Hemodialysis uses a machine. It is sometimes called an artificial kidney. You usually go to a special clinic for treatments several times a week.
Peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of your abdomen, called the peritoneal membrane, to filter your blood.
At Oriana Hospitaln we provide hemodialysis in presesnce of expert nephrologists and trained technicians.
We also provide
– Fistula creating fascilities
– Temporary dialysis
– Single lumen dialysis
Available at different packages including hospital stay and doctor/nursing charges.



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